1. 基本信息
博士 副教授
2. 学生培养
2024级 罗浩东、彭秋荣、肖吉龙、张腾
2023级 陈勇其、王春霄
2022级 黄琳雅、阳吉
2021级 工作: 龚宇航 铜陵有色金属集团控股有限公司
孙宁淋 西安诺瓦星云科技股份有限公司
2020级 工作: 彭绍炜 中国建设银行
2020级 升学: 刘俣佟 电子科技大学
周诗卿 华中师范大学
工作: 代林霜 西部计划
董诗韵 蜀道新能源科技发展有限公司
罗杨 成都卓拙科技有限公司
2019级 升学: 汤璨 中国科星空在线手机版(大中国区)深圳先进技术研究院(保研)
王蓉慧 西北师范大学&中科院近代物理研究所联培
周敏 电子科技大学
2018级 升学:王峥 杭州师范大学
2017级 升学:高顺 北京邮电大学(直博)
3. 科研活动
2023.01-2024.12 兰州理论物理中心/甘肃省理论物理重点实验室/量子理论及应用基础教育部重点实验室 开放课题
2020.01-2020.12 国家自然科学基金 理论物理专项
2019.10 镇江 全国复杂网络学术会议(口头报告)
2024.10 南京 全国复杂网络学术会议(口头报告)
[20] Huang L., Han W.* Evolution of cooperation with the diversity of cooperation tendencies. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 187, 115394. (2024) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院1区]
[19] Huang C., Bian H., Han W.* Breaking the symmetry neutralizes the extremization under the repulsion and higher order interactions. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 180, 114544. (2024) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院1区]
[18] Mo F., Han W.* Long homogeneous payoff records with the latest strategy promotes the cooperation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 476, 128786. (2024) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院2区TOP]
[17] Luo Y., Huang C.*, Han W.* The evolution of cooperation and global synchronization in the evolutionary Kuramoto dilemma combined with the prisoner's dilemma. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 482, 128973. (2024) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院2区TOP]
[16] Feng Y., Zhang Y., Han W.* Effects of correlation between bounded confidences and node degrees on consensus in opinion dynamics on complex networks. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2450136. (2024) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:2区, 中科院4区]
[15] Yang M., Chen Y., Han W.*, Yang J.* Multi-stability of multi-clustered chimera states in a ring of nonlocally coupled Brusselators. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 34(02), 2350015. (2023) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:2区, 中科院4区]
[14] Huang C., Luo Y., Han W.* Cooperation and synchronization in evolutionary opinion changing rate games. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 172, 113563. (2023) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院1区]
[13] Huang C., Hou Y., Han W.* Coevolution of consensus and cooperation in evolutionary Hegselmann–Krause dilemma with the cooperation cost. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 168, 113215. (2023) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院1区]
[12] Han W., Gao S., Huang C., Yang J.* Non-consensus states in circular opinion model with repulsive interaction. Physica A, 585, 126428. (2022) [第一作者, SCI, JCR:2区, 中科院3区]
[11] Huang C., Cai H., Han W.* Sensitive agents under group pressure form fewer opinion clusters. Europhysics Letters, 138(6), 61002. (2022) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:2区, 中科院 4区]
[10] Peng S., Han W*., Jia G. Pearson correlation and transfer entropy in the Chinese stock market with time delay. Data Science and Management, 5(3), 117-123. (2022) [通讯作者, EI ]
[9] Guo S. Yang M., Han W.*, Yang J.* Dynamics in two interacting subpopulations of nonidentical phase oscillators. Physical Review E, 103, 052208. (2021) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院3区]
[8] Lei L., Han W.*, Yang J. Kuramoto model with correlation between coupling strength and natural frequency. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 144, 110734. (2021) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院1区]
[7] Han W., Feng Y., Qian X., Yang Q., Huang C*. Clusters and the entropy in opinion dynamics on complex networks. Physica A, 559, 125033. (2020) [第一作者, SCI, JCR:2区, 中科院3区]
[6] Gao S., Huang C., Han W.*, Yang J. General consensus with circular opinion under attractive and repulsive mechanisms. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 31(05), 2050068. (2020) [通讯作者, SCI, JCR:2区, 中科院4区]
[5] Han W., Huang C., Yang J*. Opinion clusters in a modified Hegselmann–Krause model with heterogeneous bounded confidences and stubbornness. Physica A, 531, 121791. (2019) [第一作者, SCI, JCR:2区, 中科院3区]
[4] Han W., Yang J*. Approximation methods for the stability analysis of complete synchronization on duplex networks. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 106, 23-27. (2018) [第一作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院1区]
[3] Han W., Yang J.*. Four Types of Percolation Transitions in the Cluster Aggregation Network Model. Chinese Physics Letters, 35(1), 016402. (2018) [第一作者,SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院2区]
[2] Han W., Cheng H., Dai Q., Li H., Ju P., Yang J*. Amplitude death, oscillation death, wave, and multistability in identical Stuart–Landau oscillators with conjugate coupling. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 39, 73-80. (2016) [第一作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院2区TOP]
[1] Han W., Zhang M., Yang J.* Synchronization in nonlinear oscillators with conjugate coupling. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 71, 1-6. (2015) [第一作者, SCI, JCR:1区, 中科院1区]
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